Best LTL in the business for over 80 years

The West's Best Kept Secret
Daily, Next day transit time in the Mountain Region. Nobody services this part of the country as reliably and as fast we do. Providing fast and dependable LTL transit through a comprehensive terminal network. We provide daily, next day service everywhere in our region. CO, ID, MT, NE, SD, UT, WA, & WY
API that’s built for shippers
Experience the benefits of modern
Don't waste any more time and money on inefficient shipping processes. Try our new API, and experience the convenience and benefits of modern logistics.
Combined with your TMS, it’s a game-changer for businesses looking to streamline their shipping processes.
Get Started With Our APIGet estimates based on your custom rates. From anywhere in the country.
Track and trace all of your shipments while in progress.
Our new API is user-friendly, reliable, and secure.
View, share, and download images, with your new Customer Portal.
Service is everything!
Quality service is the only way we know how to do it. Our account executives are available three hundred and sixty five days a year to make sure you have all the support you need.
- 98% On-time delivery
- Claims are under 0.2%
- Employee-owned and independent
- 82% of our clients have been with us over five years

We’re Hiring!
Come work with us
We're employee owned, and we like to think we have the best team in the industry. If you are someone who isn't afraid to get your hands dirty, you like working with humble committed people, and you like to have a good time, then NPT might be for you.
Learn About NPT